Housing support

The goal of the project is to support social inclusion and increase the standard of living of the target group by providing innovative services: provision of a rent allowance, help with occupation, solving the living situation, debt relief, increasing social skills, including financial literacy and work skills through active involvement. The target group is represented by marginalized individuals/families from segregated settlements in the district of Poprad and Kežmarok, for whom remaining in a segregated location represents an obstacle to social inclusion. The expected outcome is the acquisition and maintenance of housing for 7 individuals/families and the acquisition of skills and habits to ensure the ability to pay housing and other living expenses.
Project type: Demand-oriented project
Contribution amount: EUR 187,710.00
ITMS2014+: 312041BCK3
Implementation period: 08/2021-09/2023
This project is implemented thanks to support from the European Social Fund and the European Regional Development Fund, within the Operational Program Human Resources.